Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Introducing our newest Family Member!

We would like to introduce Breleigh Elizabeth Moran! More pictures will be posted soon that include the Big Sister. I just haven't had time to get to the basement to get them on the blog. Thank you to Heather for the birth announcement. I just love her work.
Breleigh has been a pretty good baby so far. She takes a bottle so easy and is much easier to burp than her sister ever was! Her sleeping seems pretty consistent with a new born. She has surprised me on two occassion and slept for as long as seven hours in the night. (I love those stretches) Breleigh was born with a little birth mark above her left eyebrow and it has been named her "kissing spot". Helaina talks about her kissing spot all the time.
Helaina is feeling a little jealous but having Nana here has really helped free up some mommy time for her. There is no doubt she will soon get over her issues!

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Thoughtful Helaina

Helaina enjoyed licking the frosting off the beater!
"The Man in the Yellow Hat" makes me a bit nervous! He owns a monkey!

Helaina made a PB and J with her Daddy!

Monday, April 6, 2009

Helaina went on an Easter Egg hunt at our local library this past Saturday. I took these pics of her just before we left. I just love her shirt and her hair! We had a very good time looking for eggs but the fun ended when the "Easter Bunny" showed up. Let's just say she is not ready for Disney World yet! I guess animals aren't supposed to get that big! (sorry no pics of that crying fit)

Play Date

Helaina had a little play date with the neighbor while mommy went to a doc appointment. Mattea is 3 and loves Helaina to death! The mommy's couldn't resist dressing them in the same shirt when we learned they each owned one!