Friday, April 27, 2012

Life's like a jump rope

I heard this song for the first time while driving in my car with the kids.  We pretty much only listen to Kid's Place Live on the Sirius Radio these days and the tune to this song is very catchy.  The words.... they just spoke to me.  They spoke to my view on life and I felt like I really understood them.  It took me back 14 years to the day I was diagnosed with cancer and and then all the days in between where some have been up and some (not many) have been down.  

About a week or two ago I heard of another person, a young girl) who was just diagnosed with cancer.  She has lymphoma (similar but the not same as me) and she has a twin sister.  It is all so similar.  I don't know this girl well but I feel like I know her well enough to do something!   I immediately thought of this song.  Then my sister showed me these cool bracelets on pinterest made out of a jump rope!  So, put two and two together and you get the perfect daily reminder that life is like a jump jope.  Things will get hard, but don't lose hope cause life is like a jump rope.  

I am currently trying to make up several of these to put in my care package for this young girl so she might choose to wear one and maybe give a few away.  She is in my prayers and I hope she is now in your prayers as well.  


Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Easton is 5 Months

Another month has passed and just like the last ones it was a quick one!  I swear I was just writing about Easton being 4 months old.  He is growing so fast and changing every day.  As you can tell from the picture he doesn't have much in the way of hair.  With that being said... I did actually get his hair cut.  He had a very fine faux hawk on top that was probably at least three inches tall.  Our wonderful Anita gave it a quick trim that made it look a lot better.  He has stick up hair but it is much shorter now.  I am afraid that this little guy has his father's cowlicks! 
Easton is now choosing to sleep on his side most of the time.  He has only rolled completely over one time and NO ONE actually saw it happen.  He was on his back under the play mat and then he was on his belly.  He has his parent's coordination and just can't seem to figure out how to get his arm out of from underneath himself. 
He smiles so easy and even delivers easy little laughs.  His favorite things to smile at are still his sisters!  That makes my day. 
Once again I was trying to figure out how to make this month's picture special and relative to his current development.  I finally realized that he is NEVER without a bib these days because he is drooling like crazy!!!!  So... I went with a bib and hoped that his drool didn't make the marker run before I could get the picture! 
Easton has been sleeping in his bed for naps a little bit better and spending less time contentedly sleeping on my shoulder in the evening.  I am thrilled that he is figuring out napping but I do miss that sweet baby breath on my neck!
He is also enjoying himself when he visits preschool to pick up Helaina.  The preschoolers think he is pretty special and their kindness is usually rewarded with a huge Easton smile.  It is fun to see.  Helaina is so proud of her little brother.  Both girls tell EVERYONE his name even before they ask!  heheheheheheheheheheheh
Can't wait for the next set of adventures we will have with this little guy and our family of 5!

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Happy Birthday Breleigh!

Happy sunshine cupcakes! Even the ice cream lid was happy!

Thursday, April 5, 2012

Play ball

Let's try this again!