Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Pirate Carrie

I told you that my sister in law had a great outfit for our pirate theme! She thinks she looks like Peter Pan... you can decide for yourself. I personally think she looks like a good sport!

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Summer 2010

My Dad...on his boat... on his Lake... He is the BEST dad ever!!!
This is the kid zone. This is where the kids sleep and play. It is the garage but mom and dad have made it so cozy. So far my girls stay inside with Breleigh in my room in the pack and play and Helaina in my mom's room on her cot. I just have to wonder how long Helaina is going to be happy with the arrangement. I kind of predict that next year I might start hearing about it!
This is my oldest brother Mike. Doesn't he look strong and smart!?! He was wonderful with Helaina the whole time and made sure she was always included in everything!
Grayson is looking more and more like the "Lake Boy" that he is destined to become. He moves from boat to float to dock like a pro! I am so impressed. The boat never goes fast enough for him!
Mmmmmmmmm..... these are looking good to me! The Pine River bakery does a fine job! Thanks to Uncle Goggy for bringing these back for us
Breleigh couldn't stay out of trouble! She got into the kleenex box and arranged them all over the floor!
We had such fun playing "Guess Who" Who knew it could be so competitive!
Breleigh and my dad hanging out!
Breleigh and my mom hanging out!
This is a very nice picture of a very good looking strawberry but it wasn't actually the berry that caught my eye. The fingers holding this berry are the hands of the best MOM in the world. These hands have comforted me and cared for me my entire life. Even though I am 35 these hands are still doing that. These hands were responsible for all the meals we enjoyed at the lake, these hands made sure that we had clean towels and clean dishes the entire time. My mom is awesome. In movies the "Grandmas" are always the ones who are invited to dinner and are usually the guests. This is not the case with my mom. She is the hostess, she makes it all happen. My dad is also great in this department. I believe they both sacrifice their desires for the rest of us. I have no idea how re pay them for this kindness.... so to the rest of the world I will say.... MY PARENTS ARE THE BEST!!!
I really talked up Taco Thursday at the Harriet Club (an extreme dive of a bar near my parents cabin) with the girls. I don't think I did it justice. They were very good sports but it turns out the old stinky smell of a old smoke and booze was not very appealing to their noses! hehehehehe So... of course I had to get their picture under the sign!
My brother in law will probably want to kill me for this picture but it really did make me laugh out loud!
Isn't he cute... Grayson has so many wonderful faces!
I want S'More!
Breleigh on the boat!
We were the American Pirates for our Fourth of July theme for the boat parade. Everyone out did themselves!
My brother Mike and my sister in law Carrie!
"RRRRRRRRRRRR" we be Pirates!
My brother was our captain for the fourth of July parade. He was such a good sport with the theme. He yelled at all the people on their docks about walking the plank. He made my day. I made my sister and I some pirate like shirts and my sister in law had an awesome shirt to wear as a pirate. Why there is no picture I don't know. Probably because at this point in the vacation she was the one who was usually behind the camera!
Even my mom got into the act!
Helaina's first fish this year! Do you like her pants? I made them!!! Yeah for me!
The perfect night on the dock. If you can't control your toddler... put her on your back and she won't fall off unless you do! Once again... love my Ergo carrier. I think everyone should have one!
Helaina and her sparklers. I hate them. I am so stinking afraid that someone is going to get burned! But, alas, I think every mother fears that so I just had to bite the bullet and let her know how fun they were! She actually did great!
What a good girl! Breleigh was very good with everyone. She didn't show her extreme "mommy only" attitude half as much as I thought she would!
Helaina the lake girl. Maybe next year she will be brave enough to put her face in the water!

Summer 2010

The Turtle Races in Nisswa, MN are part of my childhood and it is so fun to be able to share it with the next "generation"! Of course, some how I never expected to win a race and yet my daughter thought she should win. After almost every race was raced my daughter cried because her turtle was not the first to cross the beloved finish line. In my most motherly voice I dutifully tried to explain that we did this for fun and not to win. But of course, as fate would have it, my daughter did win the very last race! My battle of teaching her that you don't always win, failed!!! Needless to say she didn't cry after that race! The above is a picture of Helaina with her race medal. Doesn't she look angelic? Look below for other pictures that show a truly different face of Helaina when she loses! hehehehehehehe Overall we had a great time at the turtle races this year! Can't wait for next year!
Ah, come the tears! Her turtle did not win this race. Nana is trying to explain the "fun" of just participating but I don't think Helaina is buying it. Perhaps next year when she is the same age as Grayson is this year she will learn to take it like a man. Check out Grayson's face! He isn't thrilled that someone else claimed the title for fastest turtle but he DIDN'T cry!!!
Grayson and Helaina checking out the turtle medal. Grayson even got to wear it for a few minutes. It was very cute!
This is Nana and Helaina after they won the race! Nobody even saw her win! She was standing on the wrong side of the circle!
Turtle racing is hard work. Reagan was so tired she just had to catch a nap! Isn't she cute!?!
Who knew vampires enjoyed Turtle races? It is nice standing next to a makes me look tan! hehehehehehehe
This is KimAnh and she really appreciates Taylor Lautner! hehehehehehe Yes, she is that short!

Just to prove that indeed, you do race real turtles at the turtle races!
All of us racing turtles for the first time! Even Breleigh got in on the act. Although I decided that I couldn't manage two turtles so my girls shared one!
I just love my Ergo carrier! Breleigh was such a good girl the whole day and spent a long time on my back and then I moved her to my front where she promptly fell asleep!
My newest (with the exception of Mia) nieces! Aren't they sweet looking. Their personalities are also the sweetest things ever! I had the distinct privilege of getting to know them during my trip up North and our time together was priceless. You never know how things will turn out when families are blended after a second marriage but we are so blessed to have these two beautiful girls in our family now. Thanks girls for a great time at the lake and for putting up with all my crazy ideas!

Summer 2010

This is Reagan, my second youngest niece, looking cute as an apple! She is the apple of our eye for sure. Why do I like this picture? Because not only did I take the picture but I also bought the outfit! heheeheheheheh (we won't mention that I actually got the outfit at a garage sale and guessed wrong for Breleigh's summer size!)
This is Logan! Isn't he a handsome boy? He really works that life jacket. He looked just like he belonged at the lake with that sharp look!
This Lexi (the shorter one) and Karen (the taller one) They are my nieces too! I think it looks like they are up to no good in this picture! Heheheheheh e
This is Mia, my youngest niece, looking pretty! Isn't she just darling! I got to hold her a lot while Up North. I hadn't seen her since she teeny tiny and still a lump! She isn't a lump anymore, just a cutie.
Here are 9 of the 12 grandkids. From left to right and top to bottom- Mia- 4 months, Karen-11, Grayson- 4, Alexis-9, Logan- 6, Breleigh- 1, Helaina- 3, KimAnh- 14, and Reagan- 10 months. Aren't they a good looking group? Stacy, Nick and Paris could not be with us this time! But we thought of them often!