Saturday, March 27, 2010

Moran March Madness

Breleigh clapping! I am sure I was doing something amazing with my camera and she just wanted to show her appreciation!
Helaina isn't fond of having her picture taken these days. She is such a little control freak! hmmmm....I wonder where she gets that from!?!
Heather was playing with my camera and Breleigh was tired so I got some lovings! I'll pose for hours if I can do with a cuddly baby!
In case some of you don't recognize him this is Jim, my husband, and he is smiling. I know the fact that he is smiling in a picture really throws most people off! I like this shot.
Breleigh and her cousing Reagan. Reagan is 5 months younger than Breleigh. I think Breleigh was trying to show her dominance as she kept trying to crawl on her! Aren't they cute. Here is a fun fact for you all. Heather and I each have two kids. Our eldest are about a year apart. Heather has a boy and I have a girl but they both have brown eyes! Our youngest are both girls and they both have blue eyes! Pretty cool huh?
Of course neither one of us had children that looked a lot like us. Our kids take more after their fathers!

11 Months!!!

Breleigh is Eleven Months Old!
One more month and our "baby" turns 1! That is incredible to me. It really doesn't feel like this has taken any time at all!
I remember when Helaina turned 1. I really felt that she was past the baby stage and a real little girl. She had a full head of hair and she seemed so grown up. Breleigh is still all baby to me. I am not's fun! Even though she is all baby she is definitely growing and developing. She gets more and more personality each day. She is a more sober baby than her sister was but when she smiles it can melt the coldest heart. Her favorite thing to smile and laugh at is her sister. (too bad the feeling isn't mutual yet)

So, what is Breleigh doing now?

She can clap, give a high five, blow kisses and make crazy baby arms on commands!
She is eating more solid food- however she must take after her mama because her favorites so far are Mac and Cheese, Pizza, bread sticks, grilled cheese, crackers... She prefers to eat her veggies from a baby food jar but we are working on it! We got lucky with Helaina in her eating so I guess we deserve more of a challenging eater this time around. Breleigh sleeps like a champ so I guess I am NOT complaining!
Breleigh has had her first ear infection but came through that with flying colors. She was a little crabby but not too bad.
Breleigh can entertain herself with toys and books but much prefers to try to pull off the wii games from under the TV and play with the Tivo adapter! She has also taken to wanting to crawl on the fireplace. All no no's in the house- she'll learn!!!
She isn't walking yet but we aren't pushing it either. She is pulling up to everything and can get from point A to point B very quickly!!! A little quickly sometimes actually.
Can't wait to see what another month will bring us!!!

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Fun Fun Fun!

Parker and Helaina playing dress up in the playroom!
Helaina is reading her Valentine's Day card! Ok so she can't actually read but she makes it look good huh? Is acting in her future? hmmmm..... never know!
Just a cute little pic of Breleigh playing on the floor! I like to put bows in her hair but we have found them in her mouth before so she can only wear them when I can watch her like a hawk. So, she rarely gets to wear them- hehehehehehe
As Breleigh was approaching her tenth month of life she decided to broaden her horizons a little by brushing up on her skills! When she can save enough from her allowance perhaps she will sign up to take the test! What a genius! (or is that naughty baby for touching things she shouldn't!)

Breleigh is 10 Months!
Breleigh is just growing like a weed! She has mastered crawling and is working on pulling up to her feet! No cruising around furniture yet but I am sure that will come!
She eats baby food pretty well but takes after her mother and is picky, picky, picky about table food! Right now her favorite food is Pizza Hut pizza and bread sticks! She has learned to throw her food on the floor when she decides she doesn't like it! Naughty Baby!!!
She makes all kinds of noises now and sometimes they even sound like words. She can say the "MAMA" sound but I am not ready to say that she actually say Mama and mean it. She does seem to be able to recognize her dog Parker and uses the sound Gaka when she sees him. I guess he rates higher than the rest of us! Breleigh is a pretty good traveling in her car seat on on long trips. She loves to watch her sister and laugh at her while we drive. Her hair is still a crazy mix of old hair that is getting stringy and long and new hair that is so fair and fine it is hard to see. Her cowlick in the back does not help tame the wild either. She is pretty easy going but can have a temper when provoked!
We are very blessed! I can hardly believe that she is so close to her first birthday!