Monday, October 31, 2011

The Witch and her Black Cat

Breleigh- The Black Cat! Her saying for the night...." I want to Trick or Treat more!!!!"
Helaina- The Witch of the Stars (or so she told EVERYONE she saw!!!) sometimes more than once!
The Girls together! Our wonderful neighbors invited us to trick or treat with them since Jim was at Weight Watchers. I will add more pictures later that include the two sweet girls that we walked with tonight. I just wanted to get something on here quick!!!

Saturday, October 22, 2011

Dressed for Phineas and Ferb Live!!!

We had a GREAT time last night at Phineas and Ferb Live. The girls were decked out in their Phineas and Ferb t shirts and were ready to party! Jim even wore his Agent P shirt with matching hat (that he has had since high school!). A good time was had by all! Breleigh was up and dancing from the moment the music started and to our surprise wasn't afraid of the characters on the stage. I guess we were far enough away that she didn't need to freak out like she does when she sees other dressed up characters! Helaina was a bit more reserved and chose to just sing the songs from her seat. After intermission she warmed up some more and danced too. They both said they loved the show! They were VERY well behaved!!! What a GREAT Friday night!

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

A "little" Decorating

I spent last week with my mom and dad taking apart Helaina's old bedroom and transforming it into this new space. No, Breleigh is not still in a crib... it's there for our new baby! Baby "Doe" (no name yet) is due to arrive around November 26th. For those of you who didn't know..... Surprise! It was so much fun getting it ready. Breleigh and Helaina have been sharing a room for some time now and they also have a newly redesigned room. I will post pictures of their room soon too. They are both pretty excited! (we will see if that continues!)

Oh and for another Surprise! It's a BOY! Check out all that blue! Thank goodness my sister saved Grayson's baby stuff.