Thursday, December 29, 2011

Goofy Grin

We have no idea what caused this goofy grin but he did it several times! He must have loved being held by his big sister.

Thursday, December 22, 2011

Easton is 1 Month

Wow! Where has the last month gone? While the rest of the world is busy trimming their tree and doing the hustle bustle of shopping we have been getting to know our new little guy. What have I learned thus far? Let's see?
1. Easton is totally different than Breleigh, who was totally different than Helaina!
2. Changing a boys diaper is far different than a girls... haven't been peed on yet but "clean up" is definitely different!
3. Thinking that a baby will nap in his bed leaving your plenty of time to get stuff done only works if the baby cooperates! (Easton does not like to nap in his bed)
4. Easton likes to be held and usually calms quickly when being held( which is also totally different than the other two)
5. I have totally embraced "blue" and can now find boys clothes "cute"!
6. Going from 2 to 3 is a big step
7. I miss my husband not coming home everyday after work at 4:00
8. The girls absolutely LOVE Easton.
9. Still amazed how something so small can have such a huge impact on your heart
10. Adding even something tiny to the family REALLY adds to the laundry! ;)
There are lots more things that I am not writing. At the moment the girls have finished their lunch and are playing pizzeria in the family room (nicely I might add) I am sitting at the counter with Easton in my arms (he is actually laying on the counter between my elbows as I type). He needs to eat and yet he is sleeping peacefully at the moment (yet another difference between the kids).
I have been very poor in updating my blog lately. I have neglected to update with ALL the wonderful things that have happened since Halloween. We welcomed Easton into the family, we celebrated a belated Thanksgiving with my parents and sister and her family. We had two birthdays for Helaina... one a little early so Nana and Papa could celebrate before they headed home after Eastons birth and one on her actual birthday and we watched Helaina perform in her preschool program. So many things.... I "might" one day get those pics on here. For now... just know that we are thriving here in Port Byron and everyone is doing great.
We are looking forward to Christmas. It is bitter sweet for me as I was really hoping to be at my parents house this year. My mom has always made Christmas magical and I really have trouble not being there for it. I am working hard at my house to try to re create that magic for my girls. I made cut out cookies and they are ready to be frosted. Can't wait to see the girls dive into that one. I would love to attempt to make my mom's cinnamon rolls but I am not sure about that one.....
That's all for now!

Monday, October 31, 2011

The Witch and her Black Cat

Breleigh- The Black Cat! Her saying for the night...." I want to Trick or Treat more!!!!"
Helaina- The Witch of the Stars (or so she told EVERYONE she saw!!!) sometimes more than once!
The Girls together! Our wonderful neighbors invited us to trick or treat with them since Jim was at Weight Watchers. I will add more pictures later that include the two sweet girls that we walked with tonight. I just wanted to get something on here quick!!!

Saturday, October 22, 2011

Dressed for Phineas and Ferb Live!!!

We had a GREAT time last night at Phineas and Ferb Live. The girls were decked out in their Phineas and Ferb t shirts and were ready to party! Jim even wore his Agent P shirt with matching hat (that he has had since high school!). A good time was had by all! Breleigh was up and dancing from the moment the music started and to our surprise wasn't afraid of the characters on the stage. I guess we were far enough away that she didn't need to freak out like she does when she sees other dressed up characters! Helaina was a bit more reserved and chose to just sing the songs from her seat. After intermission she warmed up some more and danced too. They both said they loved the show! They were VERY well behaved!!! What a GREAT Friday night!

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

A "little" Decorating

I spent last week with my mom and dad taking apart Helaina's old bedroom and transforming it into this new space. No, Breleigh is not still in a crib... it's there for our new baby! Baby "Doe" (no name yet) is due to arrive around November 26th. For those of you who didn't know..... Surprise! It was so much fun getting it ready. Breleigh and Helaina have been sharing a room for some time now and they also have a newly redesigned room. I will post pictures of their room soon too. They are both pretty excited! (we will see if that continues!)

Oh and for another Surprise! It's a BOY! Check out all that blue! Thank goodness my sister saved Grayson's baby stuff.

Tuesday, August 30, 2011

First Day of Preschool

This was Helaina's homework for her first day of school. She had to dress a paper doll to look like her. Parents were encouraged to help their child. We worked together on it and she was very proud of it!
Not the best sister picture. Breleigh wasn't feel quite like herself today so it was hard to get a smile out of her. She has a pretty sore throat so she didn't talk much today either.
It's too bad she was feeling so shy about joining her class huh? hehehehehee The afternoon class spends a lot of their day outside, when the weather is nice. They begin in what looks like circle time on benches. I think they have a very NATURE smart teacher.
I can't wait to compare this picture to her kindergarten picture next year. She is so ready for another year of preschool. We are looking forward to another good year!

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Helaina's Book (My Family)

Translation: Breleigh at the store.
Translation: I'm at the market.
Translation: This is a mailbox

This is my daddy wearing a fleece sweatshirt because it's almost winter.

After drawing the pictures Helaina wanted to write the story for them. She actually wanted to do the writing so I put on my teaching hat and help her out. I had her write the letters that she could hear while we stretched them out together. It was pretty fun. I was proud of myself for not expecting too much and just enjoying the process. We ate dinner late because I couldn't stop helping her...... oh well!!!!!

Now..... I can say that I totally don't UNDERSTAND how pictures get put into this thing. The pages are out of order because it mixed them up when I put them in. Isn't that annoying!

Thursday, August 18, 2011

Family Fun on Lake Ada

Wow! There are SO MANY wonderful pictures from my trip up North to Pine River, MN on the beautiful shores of Lake Ada! My parents open their cabin and their hearts to our entire family. My sister also opens her cabin and heart since their cabins are only one apart on the same shore! It is a remarkable time with family. My mom cooks for all of us each night! We do what we are asked but she is definitely the "chief cook". She does so much preparing before all show up that she makes it look easy! I know it isn't!
Heather and I planned a theme for each day including different activities for the kids to do! I don't know how the kids really felt about the themes but I thought it looked like they had a lot of fun and I really enjoyed watching it all.
Be prepared becaue the pictures below are numerous! (and it is just a small sampling of the fun)
I can't wait until we are able to do it again next year!

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Family Fun on Lake Ada

Looking for a good time? I think we found it on Lake Ada!
Uncle Goggy (Grant) was thrilled to be able to get out the zip sled for the kids to ride. It was as old as he was.... almost! hehehehehehe As a matter of face, the rope broke on the handle!
Auntie Heather and Logan, Reagan, and Lexi reading the older lake books we have made over the years. They are a treasure of good memories!
Our old tube died this year so Papa found a new one. It is called SUPER MABLE! It was a HUGE hit!
Mexican Train was the game of choice this year at the lake. It was a good game for the young and the "old"! It could get rather cut throat at times!
My brother Matt, his wife Tami and their youngest, Mia were unable to join us for our time at the lake due to work obligations but we got to see them the night before we left for the lake. Little Mia seemed to really take to Helaina! She kept wanting her to pick her up!
Red White and Blue.... we love you! We celebrated the good old Stars and Stripes and honored all those have served or are serving in the military. Logan was so proud to wear his fatigues that he got at the Navy exchange with his big brother Nick. Nick is now in Pensacola, FL and doing very well.
Mike has always been proud of his children but his cup seems to be running over lately with all of their wonderfulness. All the kids seem to be doing VERY well!

We decorated everything in red white and blue... including the dock, the trees, and sometimes.... each other!
Even the youngest got into the action! Go Reagan!
The American Flag flies everyday on my parents dock. My dad takes very good care of her and abides by all flag traditions. She does NOT fly after dark!

All the kids made some memories for the Grandparents with stepping stones. They were all left behind so each year the kids can come back and see them and Nana and Papa can have an everyday reminder of their wonderful grandkids!
The kids were very creative and none of them were the same!
Each of the kids got decked out in pirate tattoos in preparation for "Talk like a Pirate Day"

Welcome to "Talk like a Pirate Day"! We flew our Jolly Roger with pride!
Heather was our "captain" for the day! Doesn't she look great! She played the part well!
Our Swarthy Crew helping to raise the Jolly Roger. I think the fun noodles were being used as swords!
Paris and her Jolly Roger cape!
A tragic accident for this pirate! Amazing she can still sail the high seas with TWO eye patches!

This pirate pose just made me laugh! hehehehehehehe

Talent show night! Do you love the sign? The kids designed it! They knew immediately that they did the "got's" wrong but I said I liked it!
My big brother Mike got in on the action with some card tricks! He hasn't lost his touch!
Lexi wowed us all with her skill as an artist and showed us how to draw many different animals with just one simple starting pattern.
Logan showed us his crazy mad skill of sucking in his little belly and being skinny man and getting down with his bad self on the floor!
Grayson, Helaina, Reagan and Breleigh sang and danced to "Five Pockets in my Overalls!" I LOVE Grayson's buns in this picture! He is rocking those overalls!
Paris demonstrated a form she has learned for karate class. It was also very impressive!
On an overcast morning all the kids enjoyed creating their own t shirts with fabric markers. I jus love this shot of Grayson and Reagan together. Aren't they cute?
I helped Breleigh with the back of shirt and Auntie Heather created the design for Helaina's but she colored it in! She can't seem to let go of the Tug Fest Princess thing.
The front of the shirts. Helaina's was designed by Auntie Heather and colored by Helaina. Breleigh pretty much did her own art work!
All the cousins (who were there)in birth order! Kimanh, Karen, Paris, Alexis, Logan, Grayson, Helaina, Breleigh, and Reagan
We had a celebration day! We were able to celebrate all those big and small milestones that we miss out on during the year when we are apart. Heather completed the celebration with gifts for all the kids. Breleigh loved her purple hippo pillow pet! She slept with it every night!
We had party hats and horns to blow and the kids decorated banners with all the things that we could be celebrating! It was so so much fun! Helaina was a little off her game this day. She spiked a fever a little later on.
One of the four banners that the kids made! Nana and Papa were so good to let us hang it up on the wall above the windows!
Heather even ordered a cake from the Pine River bakery so we could celebrate in style! It not only looked good but it tasted even better. Yum.
A picnic lunch while waiting for the turtle races to start! Heather had all the kids pack a bag with a fruit cup, chip of choice, and dessert. We took orders for sandwiches and placed those in labeled bags. It went very SMOOTHLY!!
A few members of our group racing their turtles. My girls weren't winners this year but it wasn't because we didn't try! (maybe one day my girls will actually touch a turtle!) Thanks to Uncle Goggy for helping me with the girls on this race.... dealing with two turtles isn't easy because even though it sounds silly.... it goes fast!
Our first winner of the day! Karen had an eye for a speedy turtle and hers managed to cross the finish line before all the others. (I think I saw her slip it some Mt. Dew before the race started) ;)
The picture above and below go together. Logan's turtle was also a winner at this years turtle races. His turtle was not thrilled with being stopped from racing and was trying to keep racing while in Logan's hands. I love Logan's face in this picture. (Ow Ow Ow)

Breleigh and Reagan are five months apart in age. They like the same toys, at the same time, of course! These two girls were just getting geared up for a fun night of tacos at the Harriet Club!
Getting ready to head to the Harriet Club for Taco Thursday!
Group 1 at the Harriet Club. A good time was had by all!
Group 2! Hmmmm..... who is missing from these pics? Oh yeah... my mom and dad! They were actually sitting at a table just to left of this picture. They sat with a couple who live on the same shore of Lake Ada. I could hear them bragging about all their grandkids the whole time!