Saturday, December 19, 2009

Breleigh is 8 months

Breleigh is 8 months old!
She is interested in EVERYTHING that she can get her hands on. She is a very happy and easy going baby right now. She just kind of goes with the flow and only shows her demanding side when it comes to eating! Then she can be very vocal!

Breleigh highlights!
- working on sleeping without the pacifier... so far pretty good!
- eating baby food like a champ and starting to try real solid food
- not a huge fan of bread and bread products.... yet
- likes the taste of ice cream and whip cream
- rice makes her gag!
- while laying on tummy can scoot backwards but has no idea about going forwards
- enjoys tearing tissue paper!
- turns in circles while sitting on her buns
- smiles a lot
- has six teeth and the drool to prove it
- still loves Helaina if she is saying nasty things to her
- cuddles with her "sleep sack" at night. We fear she will have to wear one until she attends college!
- Gives the best smiles upon waking up in her bed

Thursday, December 17, 2009

Happy 3rd Birthday!

Helaina's friend Camyrn and her mommy and daddy joined us for our birthday celebration.
The best part of the cake is licking the frosting off the candles ,right?
It took about 16 blows to get the candles out... too funny!

It was a Tinkerbell birthday and even Breleigh wore wings!
Helaina is proud to be 3! Look at that round face!

It was a great birthday!
Jim took the day off and we went to the mall to let Helaina do a build a bear. She made a bunny and named her Tinkerbell. She WAS wearing a pink tutu but Helaina decided to "naked" her the other day so she is just a bunny now. Then we headed to see Santa. Helaina was still timid but did talk to him and stand by him. She wasn't keen on sitting on his lap, maybe next year.
Helaina got to choose lunch and she chose to eat at Zebra's (Steak and Shake) where she had mini corn dogs and our waitress gave her an ice cream sundae! Then it was home where she didn't take a nap but instead laid in her bed and talked. After that she got to open a couple of presents and then it was off to Happy Joe's to meet Wendy and Ted and Camryn. We had a great dinner and then came home for cake and to finish opening presents.
Over all it was an awesome birthday. I sure hope Helaina enjoyed it as much as I did because I was glowing all day!

Sunday, December 13, 2009

Birthday Cake Sneak Peek!

Here's Helaina's cake for her 3rd birthday! I took a page from my friend's book and ordered my frosting from Hy Vee. It is just the right color and tastes so YUMMY!!! In case it isn't obvious to anyone but me it is supposed to be a fairy house.
Tomorrow we celebrate Helaina's big day. More pics of the big event after tomorrow!