The girls made this shirt for Jim for Father's day. Helaina painted the tie and even though you can't see the back in this shot it is covered in foot prints. We had Breleigh walk all over it. Jim was a great daddy and wore his shirt all day! He was the best dressed daddy at church!

Daddy and Helaina at Vander Veer park. Great place to take pictures (thanks for the inspiration Michelle- i liked your pics) Of course if you don't bring your extra battery because it was a spur of the moment decision to go there... your camera battery will die quickly!

She looks pretty innocent huh? Bribed her with a special treat! Yes...I did bribe and it worked...this time!

Messy hair makes it look a little curly! I don't know if this is cute or not but it looks like her!

I just couldn't resist taking this butt shot! hehehehehehehehehehehehehehe