We were all together (well, almost all of us) to celebrate my dad's 75th bithday (January 21) and my brother Mike's 50th birthday (January 22) and we even threw in a little celebrating for my niece Stacy's 25th birthday (August 17th) We think the 25 year age gaps are pretty cool! The only grandchild that was not able to attend was my nephew Nick. He is currently on the USS John Paul Jones somewhere in the Persian Gulf. His very handsome Naval picture is being held by his VERY proud brother, Logan! Jim was unable to come with us Up North. There is A LOT going on at John Deere right now so he couldn't get away. If he had been in the picture it might have helped my brother Matt not to look so tall! (hehehehehehehehe) My favorite part of the whole weekend was listening to my brothers laugh and pick on each other!!!! We are a VERY lucky family!!

Where does the time go? Easton is now two months old and is changing so much every day! I think I will just create a list of all the amazing things that have happened in the past month!
- Smiling (first ones were at his big sister)
-traveled to Rosemount, MN by car (awesome traveler - slept for a majority of the trip)
- started sleeping through the night (this is a relatively new development so I am bit superstitious to even write that down. I do hope it continues)
- Moved up to size 3-6 months clothing
- had his first set of shots and first doses of Tylenol
- has maintained just enough hair to sport a very "stylish" mohawk (I use the word stylish loosely)
-takes a bottle in public like a champ (I think I am going to start feeding him at the mall all the time)
What hasn't changed in the past month? How much we love him!!!!!