Even though at this time Breleigh wasn't actually crawling yet she still managed to get to the dogs water dish and knock it over... it was of course full! She was soaked!

Breleigh is 9 months old now! She can finally crawl! She still seems to be very content and likes to play on the floor with her books and toys. She will probably be a hurricane like her sister with her toys! Breleigh is enjoying baby food and trying other table foods. Many things make her make the "gag" face but we keep trying things. She drinks her formula from a sippy cup until bed time when she has a bottle. She has toast and yogurt for breakfast every morning. She is growing up so fast!!! I had to laugh at the doctor's office the other day. She was in the 25% for weight, 25-50 for height and 95% for her head! Helaina was always bottom heavy... Breleigh is top heavy!!! I told her not to feel bad because it runs in the family. Her papa has a large head too!!!! She didn't seem to mind one way or the other!

Helaina attempted scissors for the first time. She did a pretty good job for a first attempt. She didn't really understand why I wouldn't let her keep the scissors with her other writing stuff!!!

Painting on her new easel that she got from her Nana and Papa for Christmas. She REALLY likes to paint. What colors did she choose for her first artist work.....? BROWN GREEN and YELLOW!!!! Interesting choice huh? I hung up her first three masterpieces in her room in frames and they actually look great!

Jim will probably want to kill me for posting this pic but I made him stand sideways so I could take a picture of his new body! I am so impressed and a little in awe of how much weight he has lost and his commitment to it. He reached is goal of losing 75 pounds, is working on maintaining that has now accepted a job as a consultant for Weight Watchers. Amazing where life takes you sometimes. Replenishing his wardrobe has not been easy but thank goodness for after Christmas sales!