Once again, I have no idea how to really upload pictures so they tell the proper story in the proper order. Please forgive the time line! We had a great birthday weekend (and it isn't over yet). Nana and Papa came to help us celebrate Breleigh's birthday and got a lot more than they bargained for. They were lucky enough to accompany us to the eye doctor where we picked out Helaina's new glasses. My mom and I shopped at Gymboree with gymbucks and got some great deals and they experience an extremely chilly weekend. (which just felt like they were home in the Great White North but I guess because they came South they were expecting a bit more warmth!)

Don't you just love how you can't help but smile when people start singing Happy Birthday to you!

More Tickets Please- we had to go to Happy Joe's for dinner and we had to play games. Over 300 tickets and I think we got two whistles, two princess wands (that have now become necklaces because they broke) and two packages of sour patch kids.

The popcorn game!

Just a really great picture of Nana and Helaina. Breleigh wasn't interested in posing at the time so she didn't get in on the action!

Our Girls! I took advantage of the cooler temps and dressed them in some of my favorite clothes for dinner.

This is Breleigh showing that she is 2! Helaina is trying to help her with her fingers. It looks like she might be trying to break them but Breleigh is much too happy looking for that to be the case! ;)

Fish cupcakes in the shape of a fish! These were very fun and actually easy to make.

The girls got sailor dresses and they came with dolly dresses that matched. Breleigh also got this new bonnet. We are not trying to recreate it. Oh... and when I say WE I actually mean... My Mom! My mom rocks, just in case you hadn't heard!

Helaina and Lanie match. She kind of likes the idea of matching her dolly. I told her maybe she should put that kind of thing on her Christmas/birthday list.

Papa and his girls hanging out watching a little TV. Papa loves his Fox news and other political shows but will easily give them up for a little Blue's Clues with his girls!
Love the fish cupcakes! Happy birthday to Breleigh!
ReplyDeleteFor the blog, put all the pictures on first. If you can, put them in the order you want them by putting the picture you want to be last on first. If you put them on in random order then you can click on one, copy (or cut), then paste it in the order you want. If you copy instead of cut, you will have to delete the original (use the eraser button). Then after your pictures are in order, go back and add your text. Hope that helps.