So, it is still a touch too big but Helaina can finally wear my old house coat. Amazing what a simple piece of clothing can do for your memory. My Grandfather (mom's dad) passed away when I was five. He was proceeded in death by my Grandmother (mom's mom) and other Grandmother (dad's mom) and then not too many years later my dad's dad also passed. I grew up without grandparents but I am blessed with a few memories and this housecoat is one of them. I am pretty sure I remember opening this bright red housecoat on Christmas morning and I know I remember wearing it to our kindergarten Halloween party- Heather and I went as what else? Yup- Little Red Riding Hood! My mom has saved it all this time and I am so glad that she did. I look forward to the day that Breleigh can wear it too but I am not rushing it! When Breleigh can wear it than that means it got too small for Helaina and I don't think I want time to go that fast. They are growing up so quickly as it is!
Tonight Helaina dug out all the washcloths from my laundry basket of towels and folded every single one of them. Were they exactly the way I would do it? No..... Did I re fold them after she went to bed? Actually, no I did not! I am grateful for the help so why ruin a good thing. So, if you are ever at my house and need a wash cloth and they happen to look a little bit disheveled it's because my Helaina helped me! One day when they look perfect in the drawer again all I will have is the memory of my sweet 4.5 year old PROUDLY folding washcloths! (and trying to keep her sister out of them) ;)