At VBS through the First United Methodist Church in Port Byron we have been talking about "God Sightings" for the past couple of days. The kids have had to pay attention to their own God sightings and report them in their groups. One of my pleasures has been watching my girls enjoy praise through music time- especially Breleigh! The music today was so moving and my little Breleigh was so into the actions. I actually got teary eyed! My friend, and head honcho for the VBS told me today that one of her God Sightings has been watching Breleigh too. She posted this photo of my little one, taken today during the very moment I described earlier! Thank you Becky for capturing that moment so well and for putting into words what was in my heart! (Her caption for the picture- "I see God"
I can't take credit for the picture....I have someone walking around with a camera taking pictures for us. I just found it while checking them out and HAD to share! It has to be my favorite so far!!! Going to be hard to top! I'm so glad you guys are there. Glad Sam and his "best friend" are together. Glad Breliegh is having such a great time and that YOU have been there to watch them.