1. Easton is totally different than Breleigh, who was totally different than Helaina!
2. Changing a boys diaper is far different than a girls... haven't been peed on yet but "clean up" is definitely different!
3. Thinking that a baby will nap in his bed leaving your plenty of time to get stuff done only works if the baby cooperates! (Easton does not like to nap in his bed)
4. Easton likes to be held and usually calms quickly when being held( which is also totally different than the other two)
5. I have totally embraced "blue" and can now find boys clothes "cute"!
6. Going from 2 to 3 is a big step
7. I miss my husband not coming home everyday after work at 4:00
8. The girls absolutely LOVE Easton.
9. Still amazed how something so small can have such a huge impact on your heart
10. Adding even something tiny to the family REALLY adds to the laundry! ;)
There are lots more things that I am not writing. At the moment the girls have finished their lunch and are playing pizzeria in the family room (nicely I might add) I am sitting at the counter with Easton in my arms (he is actually laying on the counter between my elbows as I type). He needs to eat and yet he is sleeping peacefully at the moment (yet another difference between the kids).
I have been very poor in updating my blog lately. I have neglected to update with ALL the wonderful things that have happened since Halloween. We welcomed Easton into the family, we celebrated a belated Thanksgiving with my parents and sister and her family. We had two birthdays for Helaina... one a little early so Nana and Papa could celebrate before they headed home after Eastons birth and one on her actual birthday and we watched Helaina perform in her preschool program. So many things.... I "might" one day get those pics on here. For now... just know that we are thriving here in Port Byron and everyone is doing great.
We are looking forward to Christmas. It is bitter sweet for me as I was really hoping to be at my parents house this year. My mom has always made Christmas magical and I really have trouble not being there for it. I am working hard at my house to try to re create that magic for my girls. I made cut out cookies and they are ready to be frosted. Can't wait to see the girls dive into that one. I would love to attempt to make my mom's cinnamon rolls but I am not sure about that one.....
That's all for now!
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