Breleigh is 7 months old! We celebrated this major accomplishment by switching her from her infant car seat to her big girl car seat that her sister just vacated. This one is So much easier to get her in and out of. Yes, she is still backwards, of course!
Breleigh is really coming in to her own these days. She is getting a lot more personality and is so much fun to be with.
Breleigh Bits
- teething (working on the top four and has a lower tooth peeking through)
- working on sitting on her own consistently
- likes being a baby
- has a smile to die for
- has long beautiful eye lashes ( but are so light you can't really see them- mascara will be her friend)
- STILL has some funky hair- yes I know this about her and if I knew how to cut it to make it cute I would, but there isn't a A LOT to work with
- Uses a pacifier to sleep and sometimes in the car
- Eats baby food like a champ
- can eat a whole container of prunes with no side effects
- LOVES to happy scream- especially in restaurants
- Is often referred to as Breleighkins
- Is loved!
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