Breleigh is Eleven Months Old!
One more month and our "baby" turns 1! That is incredible to me. It really doesn't feel like this has taken any time at all!
I remember when Helaina turned 1. I really felt that she was past the baby stage and a real little girl. She had a full head of hair and she seemed so grown up. Breleigh is still all baby to me. I am not's fun! Even though she is all baby she is definitely growing and developing. She gets more and more personality each day. She is a more sober baby than her sister was but when she smiles it can melt the coldest heart. Her favorite thing to smile and laugh at is her sister. (too bad the feeling isn't mutual yet)
So, what is Breleigh doing now?
She can clap, give a high five, blow kisses and make crazy baby arms on commands!
She is eating more solid food- however she must take after her mama because her favorites so far are Mac and Cheese, Pizza, bread sticks, grilled cheese, crackers... She prefers to eat her veggies from a baby food jar but we are working on it! We got lucky with Helaina in her eating so I guess we deserve more of a challenging eater this time around. Breleigh sleeps like a champ so I guess I am NOT complaining!
Breleigh has had her first ear infection but came through that with flying colors. She was a little crabby but not too bad.
Breleigh can entertain herself with toys and books but much prefers to try to pull off the wii games from under the TV and play with the Tivo adapter! She has also taken to wanting to crawl on the fireplace. All no no's in the house- she'll learn!!!
She isn't walking yet but we aren't pushing it either. She is pulling up to everything and can get from point A to point B very quickly!!! A little quickly sometimes actually.
Can't wait to see what another month will bring us!!!
I totally agree. Cason seemed much more "grown up" than Bryce when he was Bryce's current age. Must be a first child thing. It's also nice to hear that Cason isn't the only big sibling that isn't always sweet to his little brother:) I can't believe she's almost 1!