Breleigh clapping! I am sure I was doing something amazing with my camera and she just wanted to show her appreciation!

Helaina isn't fond of having her picture taken these days. She is such a little control freak! hmmmm....I wonder where she gets that from!?!

Heather was playing with my camera and Breleigh was tired so I got some lovings! I'll pose for hours if I can do with a cuddly baby!

In case some of you don't recognize him this is Jim, my husband, and he is smiling. I know the fact that he is smiling in a picture really throws most people off! I like this shot.

Breleigh and her cousing Reagan. Reagan is 5 months younger than Breleigh. I think Breleigh was trying to show her dominance as she kept trying to crawl on her! Aren't they cute. Here is a fun fact for you all. Heather and I each have two kids. Our eldest are about a year apart. Heather has a boy and I have a girl but they both have brown eyes! Our youngest are both girls and they both have blue eyes! Pretty cool huh?
Of course neither one of us had children that looked a lot like us. Our kids take more after their fathers!
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