These are the pictures that I am going to use on my wall (if Sam's Club will EVER be ready to print them) for the winter. My brother and my sister in law gave me the beautiful dress that Helaina is wearing last year and it was just a touch too big so I saved it for this year. I was lucky enough to find the EXACT same dress (slightly different color red) for Breleigh this year. I was so excited to get them dressed up. I am not usually one to get into the whole "Christmas Dress" thing but I just couldn't resist this opportunity! I am not a great photographer but I think these are good enough for my wall.

Jim and the girls enjoying a cookie and cider at the Christmas Walk at the Walnut Grove Pioneer Village in Scott County Park. It was a fun time. The girls got to wave to Santa (not interested in actually visiting him yet) make Reindeer food to sprinkle on the lawn to attract Rudolph, watch the Black Smith and write a letter to Santa. It was a very good time!

This is Jim working on his flip charts on a Sunday night as he prepares for a Weight Watchers Meeting the next evening. I like this pic for two reasons. The first is because it reminds me of the many nights I spent preparing lesson plans to teach my second graders and how he never really understood. ( I think he gets it now) and I also like his outfit! What can I say? He's my husband I can appreciate that to me he looks great!

Helaina and her cookie and cider at the Soda Shop in Pioneer Village

Breleigh and her cookie and cider. This was moment before I tried to help her drink some cider and she squeezed the cup and spilled some on her lip and then cried and didn't want anything to do with the cookie or the cider! ([poor baby)

In the train at the Pioneer Village

In the Engine part of the train

Silly girl!

My mom suggested that Helaina make a chain to help her count down the days until her birthday. She had a lot of fun putting together the loops to make the chain and was very proud of the end result. She rips a loop off every night before bed and her chain is getting shorter and shorter. Which also means it is getting closer and closer to Christmas! YIKES!!! Time to end this post and get some decorating done!
This season is going to go very fast and I am very excited for the actual day of Christmas but I am going to try desperately not to rush the season and enjoy all the small things!
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