Easton is growing by leaps and bounds these days. He is now taking a little more interest in toys. I am not sure he always knows how he got something in his hand or how he got it to his mouth but he seems to enjoy it when it is there. (To be completely honest though... I put this toy in his hand for the picture)
Easton is still not sleeping in his bed for naps! We try everyday but he just doesn't last very long in there. He really enjoys his cat naps. He cat naps in the swing and then just swings with his eyes open! He LOVES sleeping while laying on an adults chest! (Spoiled Baby) He runs hot and cold with his car seat too. He appears to REALLY hate it most of the time. Sometimes he manages to be a very good boy in it but while driving he is usually crying. I hope that as he gets older and starts to enjoy toys more he will start being a better car seat rider. He had his first real laugh on his 3 month birth date. As I predicted it was Helaina who made it happen. I really have no idea what she did that started the laugh but he continued to make laughs every time she laughed. As soon as Jim pulled his phone out of his pocket.... it all stopped! Of Course! Some memories are just best saved in ones head I guess. Easton is a pretty good eater at this point and a pretty easy burper. The burping part is all new for us because the girls were not good burpers! Easton spends most of his evenings resting on either Jim or myself. Jim thinks it is great because neither one of the girls really did that with him. I think it is funny when people say "oh wow, he is so long"! I just smile and say yes. What I am thinking is... have you seen my husband? He isn't exactly short and I am not as tall as Jim but I would not qualify as petite either! hehehehehehehe I think it would look more odd if our kids were short? Someone might start to suspect the UPS guy! (hehehehehehehehehe)
oh... and just for the sake of documentation.... Easton has been sleeping through the night and doing a VERY good job of it! I keep my fingers crossed every night that it continues. I feel so rested!
Can't wait to see what the next month will bring!
Can't wait to see what the next month brings.
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